
Our ladies - a mixed herd of Nubians, Saneens, Sables, and Toggenburgs - are milked daily and the milk is processed right here on farm. This way you know exactly what goes into your products and you get the freshest products possible. Get your pasteurised milk, yoghurt, and sour cream in reusable glass bottles!

Udderly fresh!


Goats' Milk
Fresh from our ladies, pasteurized on farm for the freshest milk you can get. Lower in lactose than cows' milk. A2 protein. Delicious and creamy. Nothing added, no unnecessary processing. Just milk as nature intended.
Goats' Yoghurt
Made with our fresh milk, pasteurized with added culture. Sets naturally. Unsweetened with a natural tangy taste. Perfect breakfast or afternoon snack. Great with a teaspoon of honey or preserves.
Goats' Sour Cream
Miss that tangy dose of dairy on your nachos? Goats Amore has it covered with new Probiotic Sour Cream. Perfect topper or ingredient. We like it in a mushroom sauce for steak and a sour cream cake for dessert!
Probiotic Frozen Dessert
Delicious, creamy dessert made from our fresh milk, cream and yoghurt. Current flavors: classic vanilla, decadent chocolate, and the fruity flavours - strawberry rhubarb and passionfruit.

Find us at your local Farmers' Market!

Production is currently on hold. Please check back soon!

Find us at your local grocery store!

Production is currently on hold. Please check back soon!

Get us delivered to your door!

Have Goats Amore fresh milk and yoghurt delivered to your house.

Save plastic with our rinse and reuse glass bottles!

Production is currently on hold.
Please check back soon!

Contact Us

Want more information about our products?
Want to stock our products in your shop?
Would you like to put in an order?
Interested in delivery?
Follow Us
Our Farm

Lulworth Farm
7797 State Highway One
Ward, New Zealand 7248
Contact Information

+64 27 437 6129



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Goats Amore

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